Sunday, January 23, 2011

O Sol Hoje.

O Sol mantem a sua atividade minima sem ECM sem tempestades, sem aumento do indice geomagnético… nada de nada, tudo como em 2010.
O minimo solar continua rumo ao um GRANDE MINIMUM como o de Maunder ou de Dalton.

Tempos de clima frio estão se aproximando, porqué é SOL que manda no clima da Terra, porqué é o SOL que em décadas, aquece ou arrefece os oceanos. Estamo-nos a dirigir para uma nova fase de frio intenso.
Entretanto, na Sexta-Feira passada, o astrofísico Piers Corbyn, sobre as alegações dos lobis ambientalistas-esquerdistas, de que o ano de 2010 foi o mais quente de sempre, afirmou curto e grosso:

"This is bullshit, the idea that warming can somehow cause cooling is fiction and lies created by the global warming lobby."

E continuou em grande:

"These are the same people who told us that snow would become a thing of the past in Europe. They told us we would have ongoing hotter and hotter summers. Ongoing warmer and warmer winters. That has not happened. All their predictions have failed. Absolutely. ALL of them. ALL their predictions. Now they're saying that warming is cooling. It's nonsense. It's utter nonsense. They're acting like a failed cult whose predictions have not come true. Their predictions are also fraud. I'd like to know what happened to the 62 percent of stations they have removed.They lie about their forecasts. This is bullsitt. These people cannot be trusted with anything."

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